Food choking statistics 

food choking statistics

Food choking is a condition when the food enters the windpipe(Trachea) either due to improper chewing or taking a breath during eating, which can result in blockage of the airway and resulting in life-threatening breathing difficulty known as food choking. Due to its increasing concern and the alarming situation that it might cause, we have … Read more

Do you flip meat when smoking?

Do you flip meat when smoking

Are you a fan of the smoky, tender flavors of smoked meat? If so, you’ve probably wondered about the best techniques for achieving that perfect result. One common question that arises is whether or not to flip the meat while smoking. It’s a topic that sparks debate among pitmasters and backyard barbecue enthusiasts alike. in … Read more

when to put rub on turkey before smoking

when to put rub on turkey before smoking

on enhance the flavor of the meat, rubs are applied on turkeys while they are being smoked. These both improve the taste of the turkey and help us get a lovely, crispy bark. However, there are a lot of myths about applying rub to turkeys. When to use rubs when smoking is one of these … Read more

Do you flip ribs when smoking

smoked ribs

Smoking ribs is a really complicated process because ribs can dry out and get overcooked pretty quickly. So you need to stay on top of the smoking process to enhance the flavour of your ribs while smoking. So it is a common question whether to flip your ribs when smoking or not. As a general … Read more

When to put rub on brisket before smoking

When to put rub on brisket before smoking

Brisket can be as delicious as any premium cut of meat if smoked properly. The most critical part of brisket flavor is the rub applied to it. Rubs help us increase the flavor and tenderness of brisket. But there are some misconceptions when it comes to applying the rub on brisket. One of these myths … Read more

how long can you rest a brisket? The correct answer

how long can you rest a brisket? The correct answer

Most newbie backyarders assume that the procedure for smoking is done after pulling the brisket out of the smoker But to their surprise, there is still one last step involved to make sure your effort to quit smoking pays off. This step is the resting of the brisket. Resting brisket has many benefits which we … Read more

What to do with spare rib trimmings

What to do with spare rib trimmings

Spare ribs are an excellent choice of ribs that can be used for BBQ, but you may end up with a pile of spare rib trimmings. Most newbies get confused about what to do with spare rib trimmings. In this article we are going to explain all the stuff related to this question. Let’s get … Read more

How to tell when sausage is done

How to tell when sausage is done

Sausages are the go-to choice for people who want to taste the deliciousness of meat but are not ready to put in much effort. These are inexpensive and also come in different varieties that can be easily bought from grocery stores. But it can be tricky to tell when a sausage is done. You can … Read more

When to put rub on chicken before smoking

When to put rub on chicken before smoking

Rubs are applied to chicken as it is being smoked to improve the flavor of the meat. They enhance the flavor of the meat while also assisting us in obtaining a lovely crispy peel. Nonetheless, there are several fallacies surrounding the application of rub to chicken. One of these fallacies is the usage of rubs … Read more